football women bikini

football women bikini  football women bikini  football women bikini

football women bikini,,,,football women bikini,,,,football women bikini

football women bikini,,,,football women bikini,,,,football women bikini

football women bikini,,,,football women bikini,,,,football women bikini

football women bikini,,,,football women bikini,,,,football women bikin

I feel obliged to note the upsurge here in Philly concerning the Lingerie Football League (maybe "concerning" isn't the right word..whatever.) News has been rampant regarding the "Philadelphia Passion" joining this one year old league. An all-female football league.
And, yes, you read right, that's LINGERIE Football League. Teams are made up (7-on-a-side) of young women who wear lingerie (actually short-shorts & bikini tops) while playing tackle football. A dose of harmless entertainment for the fellas? Or another sign of the impending apocalypse? You judge. Lest you be judged. Huh?

Say what you will, when the tryouts were held here in town the sports media was out in force. A 3 hr. tryout session has resulted in no fewer than five photos in the two daily newspapers (What are those things again?). I wonder why the enthusiasm? (duh!)

The commissioner of the league, a questionable lad named Mitch Mortaza, makes no bones about the fact that the sole raison d' etre for the whole league (now 10 teams) is...well, for lack of a better term, "true fantasy football"!

football women bikini,,,,football women bikini,,,,football women bikini

football women bikini,,,,football women bikini,,,,football women bikini

football women bikini,,,,football women bikini,,,,football women bikini

football women bikini,,,,football women bikini,,,,football women bikini

I have an old pair of cleats I have been using for quite a while now, and they are falling apart.  I need a new pair so I dug into my clothing budget and decided I could spend roughly $70 on a new pair of cleats.  I went to four stores today, and what do you know, not a single pair of cleats from any of the five available shoe manufacturers were made in a country that isn't China.  Nike, Reebok, Adidas, Under Armor, and Easton only had shoes made in China in EVERY price range, not just my own.  I was shocked.  I couldn't even find any love for the Cambodias, Viet Nams, Thailands or Indonesias of the world.  I am not necessarily anti-Chinese, but I am pro America, and there is a vested interest in dealing with trade partners that are not China and pay closer attention to our trade and labor interests.  As such, I attempt to spend my money on things I NEED, not things I WANT, and I try to avoid spending money on Chinese goods or going to big box sweatshops like WalMart.  That said, after about 90 minutes of internet research, I cannot find a single company that can offer me a viable solution.

football women bikini,,,,football women bikini,,,,football women bikini

football women bikini,,,,football women bikini,,,,football women bikini

football women bikini,,,,football women bikini,,,,football women bikini

football women bikini,,,,football women bikini,,,,football women bikini

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